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  Cool water flowing down a gentle river Sunlight shining through the crisp green leaves A breeze, gently touching my face Somewhere halfway up and halfway down Sitting, with a cup of coffee Enjoying the early morning stillness My happy place where nothing in the world is wrong Everything is right Everything is calm and serene No harm can come here Now only accessible in my mind The real world is all around me Troubles bounce off the shell I am in Until I am prepared; Filled with light and energy Ready to face the world


  Up and down Round and round Life is one crazy merry-go-round Right and wrong Good and bad So many choices to be made How do we know Which path to take How to decide what is right for us What if we made a different choice What outcome would result There is no easy answer No definitive right or wrong We can only trust and hope That we’ll make the wisest choice. “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” ―  Elbert Hubbard


  Good morning world! It’s early and oh so quiet here in my world. The perfect time to write. But really, it’s almost always quiet here. With only 2 people and a cat, there isn’t much to make noise. There’s something about early morning though. It’s like the whole world is quieter. Even though, if I step outside, the birds are singing like crazy! I think nature is just giving all us non-morning people a chance to wake up. Thank you mother-nature, I appreciate it. Do you have a quiet life? Let me explain a little about what I mean. For example, we don’t keep a radio, tv, music videos, or anything like that going all the time. We actually don’t own a radio and don’t subscribe to any paid TV services. I currently have Tubi which we use to watch one movie each evening. Our watching and listening habits are very intentional unlike many years ago when my tv was on from the time the first person in the house got up until the last person went to bed. Photo by Alexey Demidov:  https://...