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Good morning world! It’s early and oh so quiet here in my world. The perfect time to write. But really, it’s almost always quiet here. With only 2 people and a cat, there isn’t much to make noise.

There’s something about early morning though. It’s like the whole world is quieter. Even though, if I step outside, the birds are singing like crazy! I think nature is just giving all us non-morning people a chance to wake up. Thank you mother-nature, I appreciate it.

Do you have a quiet life? Let me explain a little about what I mean. For example, we don’t keep a radio, tv, music videos, or anything like that going all the time. We actually don’t own a radio and don’t subscribe to any paid TV services. I currently have Tubi which we use to watch one movie each evening. Our watching and listening habits are very intentional unlike many years ago when my tv was on from the time the first person in the house got up until the last person went to bed.

Photo by Alexey Demidov:

Instead, we talk to each other, work on our blog, spend time out in nature and each have a few hobbies we spend time on most days. Without the background noise, we are much more present in everything we do. If I’m drawing I’m focused only on the drawing in front of me. When hubby is doing woodwork he is focusing on what he’s doing. He can get into a ‘zone’ just sanding a piece of wood. He is also very safety conscious so he is able to concentrate on the task at hand and do it safely.

It’s not that we don’t like music or TV shows we just like to choose what we watch/listen to and when. We don’t watch any news and haven’t in the 14 years we’ve been together. I have a weather app on my phone and hear about any important news through family and friends. I can then look it up if I want or need more information. We both have enough anxiety without worrying about every tragic news story on the six o’clock news. Would our worry do any good? It would only destroy our peace.

I will admit when the pandemic started I got obsessed with watching the daily live updates on Facebook. At first, it was justified as we needed to know what precautions to take and what the social restrictions were. Now I only occasionally look up information regarding our current local situation to be sure nothing major has changed. We aren’t very social anyway so it doesn’t affect us much. Minimizing the amount of news we take in has helped us to maintain our mental health over the years.

We don’t listen to the radio in the car either. We have a bunch of CDs we listen to when we choose. Often it will be a motivational speaker or, occasionally, stand-up comedy. We have music CDs too but rarely put them in.

I like my quiet life. I’d be okay with hearing the laughter of my grandchildren or my adult children’s voices more often though. But all in all I can’t complain. We live a very simple life and for me the quiet is a big part of it. I choose what I listen to and more often than not I prefer the sounds of nature over everything else. With that said I think I’ll go sit outside for a bit and listen to the birds. Have a great day everyone!

Photo by Zain Ali:
